Caring For a Puppy – Handle with Care!

Puppies have very special needs that are different from a dog’s needs. Puppies must be handled with care. Kids must be taught how to safely approach and touch a puppy. Puppies have physical, mental and emotional needs.

A puppy can be injured if kids or adults mishandle, are rough with or hold a puppy incorrectly.

Picking up a Puppy

Allow the puppy to first sniff your closed hand.

Use both of your hands to pick up the puppy. Place your hands under the front part of the puppy’s body and his legs.

Support the puppy’s body with your hand and your arm. Holding a puppy is much like holding a baby.

Be careful not to drop the wriggling puppy.

When placing the puppy back down, support the body until the feet are on a surface.

All four paws should be on the ground at the same time.

Never pick up a dog when he is defecating or urinating

Use special care when picking up a heavy or very active puppy, so as not to drop it.

Do not hold the puppy too tight as you may crush it.

Always supervise young children when they pick up and hold a puppy. Teach them how to properly pick up and hold a puppy.

How to Handle a Puppy

A puppy needs to be socialized and to be allowed to build up a tolerance for strangers. To a new puppy everyone in your family will be a stranger and everyone will need to allow the puppy to get to know each of the family members.

Some puppies are more tolerant of meeting people than other puppies. Puppies need to be taught how to be comfortable at the vets, at the groomers, at the boarding kennel, and out in public places and being out among other people and animals while on walks.

If your puppy is shy slowly increase social visits with others and increase the time each family member spends with the puppy. The first 3 to 4 days home with a new puppy you should not leave the puppy alone as the puppy will be missing his mother and littermates.

Socialization with other dogs and pets is important as you never know when your family will decide to get other pets and you will want your puppy to grow up into a dog that will tolerate other dogs and cats (or other pets).

Teach kids to always ask permission before approaching or touching a puppy that does not belong to them. Ask permission not only from the human owner, but from the puppy too.

You ask a puppy if you can touch it by letting it sniff your closed hand. If the puppy wags it’s tail and does not growl at you, then it is safe to say that it wants you to pet and handle him.

Puppies Physical Needs

A puppy needs to be fed, have clean fresh water, a safe area to go to the bathroom, a warm secure place to sleep, plenty of exercise and playtime and lots of hugs and love.

A puppy needs to be cleaned and brushed. A puppy needs to have medical attention and healthcare from a vet on a regular basis.

Puppies Mental Needs

A puppy needs to be mentally stimulated by having training in how to behave and to be able to learn basic commands.

Playing with your puppy stimulates the puppy’s brain and allows the puppy to be challenged to learn new things about the puppy’s world.

Puppies Emotional Needs

A puppy needs to be socialized to new people so it will not be too shy to be with the vet, groomer, or boarding staff.

A puppy needs to know that people can be friendly and fun to be around, so that the puppy won’t grow up to be an aggressive dog.

Never hit a puppy or it will soon come to fear and distrust you. A puppy should never be left alone for long periods of time, as a puppy really needs companionship.

A puppy needs to bond with his owner and learn to trust the people in his family.