Problems Associated With Owning a Large Breed Dog

In any dog fancier’s life will come the moment in time when she or he will have to answer questions pertaining to size.  If you reside in an apartment, this choice is by and large determined by your lease and as some landlords are very specific in their denial of leases to those who have dogs over a 15 or 25 pound weight limit, those renters will be limited in the size dog they may bring home.

Home owners, on the other hand, usually do not face these restrictions and it is then that you might have to take into consideration the problems associated with owning a large breed dog.

To help make that decision just a tat easier, here are some facts to consider:

Do Not Go By the Size of the Puppy

What might look like a cute little fuzz ball that fits in the palm of your hand today, tomorrow may turn into a huge, heavy dog that will drag you down the street. Know ahead of time how large a dog is expected to get before you fall in love with it.

Remember that it Costs More to Keep a Large Dog

While a Chihuahua will daintily nibble at a cup of kibble during the day, a Great Dane will most likely inhale that for a snack in between meals. Make sure you can afford to feed the dog healthy chow that is of high quality.

Do Not Underestimate the Space a Large Dog Needs

A large breed dog needs room to run and roll, and if you have yard you have a great advantage.  A medium or small dog will be fine without the yard, providing that you make ample time to play and roughhouse inside – no something you can usually do with a Saint Bernhard inside the house and still have your furniture intact.

Amount of Exercise Required

Consider the endurance you need to adequately exercise a large breed dog. Getting a poodle to tire is a lot easier than getting a Rottweiler to slow down.  Make sure you have the time and energy to devote to giving your dog the exercise it needs to stay healthy and fit.

Think Carefully Why You Want to Get a Dog

If you are looking to get a dog for protection, bigger is not always better, but it helps! Burglars and intruders will be a lot more cautious about selecting your home for a break-in if you are known to have a German Shepherd than if you just have a little Bichon.

Yet even if you decide to get a dog for protection, keep in mind that all the other caveats still apply: the dog needs to have room, food, ample exercise, and companionship.  Do not assume that a big dog will be happy chained up outside!

As a matter of fact, that is the worst way of keeping a dog! Although not universal problems associated with owning a large breed dog, they are concerns and questions that need to be answered and it is in your best interest to answer these questions before you set out to the animal shelter, store, or breeder.