Some of the Most Common Dog Health Problems

With so many different breeds, dog health problems can be as varied as their human counterparts!  Certain breeds can be prone to suffering from certain issues and ailments.

However, just because one breed is susceptible to something doesn’t mean your dog will definitely develop it – or that your different breed is immune to it.

If you want to keep your best friend as healthy as possible, follow these basic dog health care tips that can help any breed:

1.) Use a harness instead of a collar, because it will pull on your dog’s shoulders instead of his throat.

2.) Never feed your dog chocolate!  No matter how much you want to share your birthday cake, keep Fido away from it.  Chocolate is toxic to dogs.

3.) Don’t bathe your dog too often.  Sure, you want your pal to be clean, but shampooing him too frequently will dry out the natural oils in his coat.

But no matter how careful of a dog owner that you are, you are going to have dog health questions that need to be answered.

While there are probably as many dog health questions out there as there are dogs (that your veterinarian is best-equipped to answer), there are some basic dog health questions that are easy to answer.

The following are examples of basic dog health questions:

What Are Ear Mites?

Ear mites are one of the most common health issues in strays and rescue dogs because they live outside – where these tiny insects have full access to them.

Ear mites start off as annoying and uncomfortable, but if left untreated, they can cause severe infections and even permanent hearing loss.

Should I Buy Pet Insurance?

Let’s face it – vet care is expensive.  In fact, figuring out how you’re going to be able to pay your vet bills is one of the big things that you need to consider before you even get a dog.

After all, the last thing you want is to get a bunch of dog health care tips that you can’t afford to implement!  Sadly, more than a million pets are put to sleep each year, because their owners simply can’t afford to take care of them.

If you want to avoid major vet expenses, pet insurance can help you do it.  That way, you won’t have to foot the bill all by yourself when certain dog health problems arise.  And, luckily, the sooner you insure your pet, the lower your monthly premiums will be.

What Do I Do If My Dog Has Fleas?

Fleas and ticks are two of the most common dog health problems out there.  Even if you use flea and tick prevention tools, your beloved Fido or Spot can still fall victim to these uncomfortable pests.

And, unfortunately, fleas and ticks don’t just make your pooch feel itchy.  They can also lead to tapeworms, anemia, skin infections, and Lyme Disease.

If your dog has fallen victim to either fleas or ticks, he needs to be taken care of by a professional.  Your vet can determine just how serious the problem is – and give you some advice so that you can make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Is My Dog Overweight?

This is one of the most common questions because it is one of the most common dog health problems!  You may think that you’re being nice to your dog by giving him treats and table scraps, but you may actually be putting him at risk.

While only your vet can tell you for sure if your dog is overweight, there are some things that you can do to prevent his weight from becoming a problem – like making sure your dog gets enough exercise, cutting out the table scraps, and making sure he doesn’t eat too many high-calorie dog treats.

What Kind of Shots Does My Dog Need?

You can prevent a ton of problems just by making sure that your best friend is properly vaccinated.  Your dog needs vaccines that prevent distemper, rabies, and a couple of common viruses – like hepatitis, kennel cough, and Lyme Disease.

Adult dogs can get all of their shots during one trip to the vet, but puppies will have to get their shots in stages, so that their tiny bodies don’t get overwhelmed.

What is a Hot Spot?

Despite the name, hot spots aren’t just something that happens in warm temperatures.  Anything that irritates your dog’s skin – like itchy grass or even food allergies – can lead to a hot spot.  The red spot develops because your dog starts chewing and licking the affected area.

Hot spots can be one of the toughest problems to fix, because dogs will keep licking the area.  They think they’re making the problem better by licking it, but they’re only making it worse.  Luckily, with the right medicated creams and shampoos, you can get rid of your dog’s hot spots in a few days.