Since you landed here, you’re looking for information about Pocket Beagle puppies; we’ve got it for you, the background and the little nuisances, even a few short words about buying one absolutely properly. So, without further ado let us press onwards into the fray of our discussion.
The name Pocket Beagle was coined because Queen Elizabeth, arguably the most famous Queen of England, owned a Beagle so small that she could fit it inside a saddlebag pocket.
This dog was likely around 8 to 9 inches tall, which would have been very small for a dog back then, before breeders began breeding so called “teacups” – more properly and correctly referred to as toy breeds.
Here’s the real deal about Pocket Beagles – their true bloodlines are…extinct…having been so since perhaps the early twentieth century. Therefore buying a Pocket Beagle puppy is, in reality, not possible.
You can however, attempt to buy one of the smaller puppies in a litter; however that is really not the best advice because these puppies do tend to have more health problems.
And in addition, beware of the local breeder who tries to sell you a Pocket Beagle, what they are in fact doing is breeding small Beagles (dwarfs), and this could very likely lead to dogs with very poor health.
Good breeding is not a simple as it appears on the surface, a good breeder will breed dogs according to lineage accounting for any defects or problems and attempting to breed them out; this is the value that a “real” professional breeder brings to the table.
Alright, so now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk a bit more about the Beagle breed. They are within the family of the scent hounds and are trackers by nature, originally used to hunt small game, like rabbits for instance.
Also, they’re considered a great family dog — for a few reasons, firstly, they are extremely even-tempered by nature and secondly they, historically, have very few known health problems.
Living a nice long life is traits that is also enjoyed by most Beagles, with an average of maybe about 14 years or so, give or take.
This breed is usually “brindle” in color, meaning have a mish mash of several colors in swirling type patterns. They are very often tri-colored and have a very smooth short coat, little grooming is needed and they are probably a bit more hypoallergenic than a longer haired animal.
The average weight is around 20 – 35 pounds and they are often said to resemble a mini foxhound in appearance.
This breed is reportedly been in existence in some form going all the way back to ancient Greece, but was formally registered and bred as a specific breed beginning in the 1830’s in Great Britain.
Most importantly, remember this, when searching for pocket beagle puppies for sale realize that they don’t really exist anymore, and that buying a somewhat smaller Beagle puppy from a reputable breeder is truly the way to go.